Show Dem Camp
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Full Names: Wale Davies & Olumide Ayeni
Stage Names: Tec & Ghost
Nationality: Nigerian
Genre: Rap • Hip Hop
Label: Show Dem Camp Records
Net Worth: $500,000
Show Dem Camp’s Biography and Net Worth
Show Dem Camp (SDC) is a Nigerian rap duo group that consists of two men named Ghost (Olumide Ayeni) and Tec (Wale Davies). The duo were born in Nigeria but lived and grew up in European cities and the United States before returning to Lagos to pursue a career in music.
Having started as solo rap artists, they met at a battleground where they decided to join forces together and their first stage name was “Golden Child” . Their first mixtape titled Clone Wars Vol. 1 dropped in the year 2010 and have since then released a number of albums under the Clone Wars Series and Palm Wine Music.
The popular duo have cemented their positions in the music industry with their back to back singles and albums. Both superstars are phenomenally talented and they have worked with a lot of Alté artists such as Tems, BOJ, Odunsi The Engine, Cruel Santino, Buju, Ladipoe, Wani and others.
After a decade now, Show Dem Camp has been able to establish themselves as one of the best rap duos in Africa with a net worth of over $500,000.